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Make Them Pay

Hey, I wrote a song for you guys! It's fun! I think you'll like it.


🎶Make them pay or I'll murder your kids🎶
🎶Fuck your kids. They fucking suck!🎶
🎶Fuck you and your retarded kids🎶
🎶You stupid fucking useless bitch🎶
🎶Your daughter's a slut🎶
🎶Your son's a re-tard🎶
🎶Pedophiles are God's justice🎶
🎶Fuck the Jews🎶
🎶And fuck Youtuuuuuuuuuuuuuube🎶
🎶Retards are not peeooeeple🎶

by Hym Iam December 29, 2025

practice makes perfect

A moto everybody should go after in life.

-oh. ___ is really good at that!
-yeah! You know what they say "practice makes perfect".

by J○LT March 20, 2018

What point am I trying to make?

The point I'm trying to make is that somone either spoke to God or they didn't. If they claim to have spoken to the creator of the universe and DIDN'T ACTUALLY DO THAT... THEY ARE LYING. God DIDN'T tell them to kill the Ammelekites. God DIDN'T give Moses magic powers. And you either THINK THAT THAT HAPPENED... Or YOU DON'T THINK THAT THAT HAPPENED.

Hym "What point am I trying to make? The point I'm trying to make is that you're a fucking charlatan. You could tell the truth. But instead of doing that, you are LYING. You are a greedy power hungery LIAR. You are LYING to get the adulation of an incest cult. Where as I am telling the truth and having adulation within from me for the explicit purpose of preventing me from attaining a better life."

by Hym Iam May 27, 2024

make like a beaver and fuck off

It’s means go away and fuck off with a beaver butt plug

Selena make like a beaver and fuck off

by S&j beaver September 21, 2022

making egg salad

A 3way between you, your boyfriend, and your girlfriend from high school.

Man, I had a weird dream last night. Ty, Laura, and I were all together, making egg salad.

by Micky Hawk September 26, 2015


A typo that people make when they forget to take out the E in “make” to make “making” or replace the E with ­ing

Tom (writes a message to zoe): "I’m makeing tater tots for lunch."
Zoe (writes an answer): "Do you mean ‘making?’"

by bluestinger66 December 4, 2022

National Make Tall People Short Day

October 25th is the day where short people mutilate tall people in order to even the height gap. Watch out anyone over 5’8”.

Boy I can’t wait for National Make Tall People Short Day

by ironninjapi October 10, 2020

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