Source Code

Rohanian Cavalry Moment

A moment, as seen in Lord of the Rings which it is named after, where a small army is being slaughtered by a giant army, and a single character (usually a hero/captain or something) appears followed by an army. The cavalry then, with the combined efforts of the original army, defeat/drive back the much larger army with ease.

There are multiple variants of this, for example, a small group of people (20 or so) are attempting to attack a large force of people (anywhere from 100-1000) and they say something along the lines of "we need more men" Then a main character of the story (usually someone who left the group) shows up with a large group of men to reinforce the small group so they may attack and win.

Rohanian Cavalry Moment Example: *SPOILERS* In The Lord of the Rings where Aragorn arrives at Minas Tirith with the army of Rohan and drives the army of Sauron away with the combined efforts of the armies of Gondor and Rohan.

by Fox Named Baron August 8, 2011

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surprise gay moments

When you begin to come midst a special movie, the camera swaps to the single scene of the sweaty guy's mush, wearing an expression of jizztasticness that only makes the moment more disappointing as he grunts. You've shared a surprise gay moment.

This adult movie may contain surprise gay moments

by Gay surprise April 17, 2011

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All The Time Moment

When someone says they do something "all the time". Pioneered by Bradley, see below for original "all the time" moment.

Original All The Time Moment:

Brad: You have holes in your jumper for your fingers... I do that ALLLL THE TIME, like probably THREE YEARS AGO, at LEAST.
Aiden: (claps)
Brad walks off.
Me: Fuck.

by Schuface December 15, 2007

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starship troopers moment

When some random word/movie/phrase that hasn't crossed your mind for years, pops up in multiple unrelated conversations/encounters over a short period of time. produces a strange sensation similiar to deja vu or a glitch in the matrix

Asshat 1: Holy sh1t dude, I've havent seen starship troopers in 4 years, but its come up in different conversations and on the interwebs five times in the last two days!!!....freaky!!1!eleven
Asshat 2: whoa, thats a starship troopers moment!
Asshat 1: indubitably

by mufferfuffer January 22, 2010

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Spur of the moment adoption

where a kid is kidnaped by a pedifile or as they like to call themselves a kid lover.

Man1: I didn't know you were adopted.
Man2:yeah it was a spur of the moment adoption.

by deep blue 2012 December 29, 2010

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blonde gamer moment

1. a blonde moment, applied to a video game context

2. aa error committed through ditziness or foolishness while playing a video game

3. any kind of error made in gameplay by a player who knows the game well enough to have known better

Example 1:

Rob: "Dude, you forgot to get the Master Materia!"

Steve: "Yeah, man, I know. I had a blonde gamer moment and discarded Bahamut."

Example 2:

"Aeslynn knows the Final Fantasy series very well. She almost never has a blonde gamer moment."

Example 3:

"Aaron accidentally used Cure 3 against Bizarro Sephiroth. What a blonde gamer moment that was!"

by KyuuketsukiMiyu July 11, 2008

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Bee Shutter Moment

Doing something stupid while showing yourself up.

Person 1 : I can see!!!

(falls over)

Person 2 : Haha!! BEE SHUTTER MOMENT!!!!

by Machuus D September 24, 2006

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