A subspecies of the newly discovered "Complete Jackass" creature. They are extremely transphobic and homophobic towards every other living creature besides themselves. A few notable behaviors that indicates that a Super Straight believes you are part of the LGBTQ+ community and do not like you are them ignoring you, being hostile towards you, pretending to be injured and calling other Complete Jackasses over, and rarely attempting to initiate a physical fight. Though they are somehow capable of speaking human languages and understanding human languages, they are unable to solve the most basic puzzles and complete the most basic non-survival related tasks. A group of Super Straights, or just Complete Jackasses in general, is known as a Complaint.
Zoo Tour Guide: And here, we have the Complete Jackasses.
Crowd of Zoo Visitors: (Various noises of disgust and hatred)
Random Super Straight: HELP! THAT MAN'S ATTACKING ME! AAAGHH! (Pretending to be severely injured)
Complaint: (Various angry noises and threats)
Zoo Tour Guide: Moving on..
Something to say to speedrun getting cancel on twitter.
marc: Im super straight
Twitter: U homophobic racist and anti-lgbtq+ peice of shit.
Invalid #2
Knuckles from sonic boom; I’m actually super straight, not dreamsexual!
when a transgender guy and girl have sex more than 20 times when not known they are both trans
"come fuck me" "i have to bring this out im super straight"
A more intense word for a person who is 100% straight and totally not closeted.
Person 1: Hey, are you gay?
Person 2: Nah, I'm super straight, I only like women.
An extremely gay furry with small genitalia. The super straight flag represents the fact that women shouldn’t mate with them, using the brightest and darkest colors.
“Hey dude, why don’t you have a girlfriend?”
“Sorry, I’m Super Straight.”
"Super-Straight" refers to a made up, reverse sexual orientation, in which the person states who they hate, instead of who they like.
"Super-Straight" has no basis, and is only used to harass people who are not straight and cisgender.
A person proclaiming to be "Super-Straight" is transphobic by technicality, and might be insecure about their own identity and/or sexual orientation.
Straight cisgender person: "Hey! HEY! I just want to let you know I won't date you because I'm 'super-straight', and I don't like trans people"
Trans person: "Okay... thanks for the warning, I guess"
Straight, cisgender person: "You are so angry and upset!"
Trans person: "Why are you still talking to me?"