Can be used in any mood or context. Use it in any way you desire
When a boy receives a kick to his groin. A kick in the balls is usually used by a girl but can also be used by a boy as a joke if they don’t do it too hard. A boy who forcefully hits another boy in the balls is not valid. Girls who forcefully hit boys in the balls are also not valid but there is nothing we can do about it.
Girlfriend : wanna sleep at mine ?
Boyfriend : sure but your house stinks
Girlfriend : omg shut up and get changed
Boyfriend : ok *begins to remove shirt*
Girlfriend : quickly uses a kick in the balls while he has his shirt over his head
Boyfriend : had no idea what’s just happened but falls to the ground and starts rolling around grabbing on to his groin
Girlfriend : you shouldn’t of said my house stinks
Boyfriend : that was too far im breaking up with you
Girlfriend : kicks him in the balls even harder while the boyfriend was only wearing underwear
Boyfriend : dies
3👍 1👎
used to describe balls wrangling, also a common indicator that you have genital cancer
person 1: dude ur balls are wrangling
person 2: yeah dude, wrangly balls are an indicator of genital cancer, nice cock though.
you: bruh not again
1) A word used by men to throw judgement on women who give the same energy they were getting back.
2) a man uses this word as an insult to a woman when he is feeling put in his place by a woman
Steve: All I’m saying is if I make more money, put a roof over your head, and take care of you financially it should be okay for me to seek out other woman when the wife isn’t feeling my sexual desires.
Lily: So I as a woman who makes more money and supports my partner financially should feel free to step out of my relationship if my partner doesn’t meet my sexual desires.
Steve: No that’s not right for a woman to do that because men can have sex and form no connection.
Lily: What, Steve? You’re afraid they’ll find a man bigger than you.
Steve: You’re ball buster bitch
After shaving the scrotum. To apply moisturizer - Ball Buttering
Steve has a Ball Buttering each morning ensuring a smooth and supple scrotum.
A ball that has been created by a superior light and cannot be seen by the naked eye, it is 3 nanometers by 3 nanometers and can only be seen by a “shnofall-scope” unless you are the Greek gods: Isabelius; Crystallieon; Andronieus.
Looks like a shooting star on a summer day but only when it’s cloudy and the wind is parted at a specific latitude to the left.It’s found in the deep Pacific Ocean where the lathians dive and try to find the legendary ball.
“Did you see the Snof Ball the other day?”
“Yes! Of course! I used my shnofall-scope but I unfortunately got cursed by the Greek gods: Isabelius;Crystallieon; Andronieus.”
Following a particularly dirty kebab or Curry When flatualance and dihorrea combine resulting in the back of your gentleman vegetables getting a spray tan.
Oh mate I should not have eaten that left over kebab this morning I just spent 20 minutes on the shitter giving myself Essex balls.