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Urban Dictionary Will Post Anything You Write

Oh hey... how ya doin' there. I didn't expect for this to actually be published so yeah, I eat ass ;)

This is proof that Urban Dictionary will post anything you write. And I eat ass.

by SimplyRidiculous January 4, 2018

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how to create a new word on urban dictionary

Did you really type how to find a new word on a dictionary website? All you need to do is hit the giant plus on the screen.

1: Hey, do you know how to create a new word on urban dictionary?
2: Yeah, you hit the giant plus.
1: Thanks!

by The_Mad_Doctor October 30, 2022

u r baned from urban dictionary

only if you put a dirty definition on urban dictionary. if haven't but dont believe me than serch chicken nugget and scroll.

also very clever finding this page!

u r baned from urban dictionary you monster

by anonymous mc omunuss April 25, 2020

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the urban dictionary lewd sex act formula

A method of finding a variety of otherwise disgusting sexual acts. The formula is as follows: (insert nationality) (insert optional adjective) (insert noun).

Scottish windmill, mexican microwave,Alaskan Fire Dragon, the urban dictionary lewd sex act formula

by ...Heiiisssennnberrg... September 27, 2013

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Naomi Zainal is a famous name urban dictionary

Naomi Zainal is a famous name urban dictionary

Naomi Zainal is a famous name urban dictionary

by Kmqq April 21, 2023

Urban Dictionary is busy right now. Please try again later or go to Urban Dictionary's front page.

When you type a bunch of nonsense such as ',./;'#-=', and then Urban Dictionary crashes, you find this page.
And we're assuming that you decided to copy and paste this.

UD: Urban Dictionary is busy right now. Please try again later or go to Urban Dictionary's front page.

Me: bugger off

by Milkiekid March 27, 2021

Why does urban dictionary hate me

Is it because I say oof too much because I really am trying to change my awful ways

Why does urban dictionary hate me

by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020

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