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Rebecca Black Moment

When you forget the day of the week,and suddenly,Rebecca Black's song "Friday" creates a brainworm in your mind.This can be good or bad,considering that it might not be Friday yet...
This can also be called a TGIF moment.

Harold forgot the day of the week.Then,Rebecca Black took over his mind with her incredibly annoying song "Friday".
Harold:It MUST be Friday!
~this has been a Rebecca Black Moment!~

by Pi-shah July 2, 2011

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Heated gamer moment

When you starting raging so hard that you shit yourself

Streamer: shits themself out of anger
Tier 3 sub: guys chill out he just had a heated gamer moment

by Generic Idiot September 9, 2021

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Top G Moment

Massive L. "Top G" was coined by the likes of misogynist dude-bro twats like Andrew Tate, but swiftly reclaimed at the end of 2022 when Greta Thunberg single-handedly ended his entire career with one tweet.

A: Hey, did you hear about Greta Thunberg and Andrew Tate's twitter beef?
B: No, what's up?
A: Andy Pandy tried to flex and own Greta by bragging about his supercars with tons of emissions on twitter, and she tweeted back at him for him to enlighten her by emailing smalldickenergy@getalife.com. Then after 10 hours all Tate could reply was some pathetic video attempting to defend himself but sounding like a butthurt little bitch, and the best part, the icing on the cake, was he revealed a pizza box which helped tip off to the Romanian authorities where he was and he got detained for human trafficking. What a Top G Moment
B: A Top G Moment indeed. 2022 is saved.

by chegbeg December 30, 2022

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Gamer Moment

When you yak when youโ€™re really drunk.

Michael had a gamer moment after going downtown.

Have you seen Zackโ€™s gamer moment in the backyard?

by fulltimecapper February 28, 2020

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Kodak Moment

during head when a girl is doing her job and your just about to "finish" you pull it out of her mouth and bust it on her face. (in the mean time you have prepared a camera sitting on the bathroom counter next to you) and then as she goes to wipe the sticky substance from her face you proceed to say smile and take a picture

Craig: hey bro check this shit out!
Jake: wtf is that? somebody had a bad night haha
Craig: yeah i pulled the old kodak moment on her ass cuz she was pissing me off haha.
hello facebook!!:D

by GSR420 October 12, 2010

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OH BOY moment

This is when a very unexpected situation occures at your place of work, and it is usually a very SHITTY situation at best, therefore you are trying not to use any curse words to describe your level of astonishment of the situation!

After having found out that his hours at work had gotten cut, Keith said this defintely having a; "OH BOY MOMENT!"

by guyfawkes74 December 7, 2009

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spur of the moment carsex

When going down on him is taking too long, he tells you to take off your pants and he climbs on top in the front seat.

OMG! Last night I had THE best spur of the moment carsex ever!

by vanityinsanity August 31, 2009

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