When a male has a patch of hair standing straight up much like alfalfa, but rather making the individual look like a faggot.
Hey bro you have a fag tail.
Go comb your hair you have a fag tail, faggot.
An insult made up by a Melee elistic to attack some people in the smash 4 community, it is his best attempt in his whole life.
T'es juste un esti de budget gay fag qui défend un PR fraudulent.
Fag Lag is a term used to describe...
1. The ping time for gay pornography.
2. The lag caused by playing a faggot.
3. The lag caused from ded by gayness.
4. Why did you look up "Fag Lag" on Urban Dictionary?
Person 1: Ah! Fag Lag is too much! IT!
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Why am I experiencing Fag Lag?
Person 2: You're a faggot.
Person 2: It's Fag Lag, bro. "84y|-|4X0|>" is a faggot.
Person 1: (watching gay porn)
Person 1 dies. Fag Lagged out the roleplay.
Me: Why are you searching up "Fag Lag"?
Someone who watches that faggot pyrocincal
Fuckboi: I DO SUB 4 SUB
Fuckboi3: pyro fag, get laid pls.
When where ever you (and your friends) go somewhere and there is always those faggy gets around you .No matter where you are they are like attracted to you by chance
You go to a movie theatre and those little kids ( LG ) ( LB ) are talkin right behind you about personal matters during a film. or when you go to a food court and those queer kids are at the table beside you
Nick : Jeez Robert your like a Fag Mag
The goo that flows through a white supremacists veins.
After Tommy explained his racist agenda to me I helped him spill his fag sauce on the ground. We