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Pulling a Tom Brady

Cheating and Lying about not cheating and getting away with it.

Brody is great at pulling a Tom Brady

by She did djdndjdbdejdb den October 10, 2020

tom orchison

Arsehole guy who is definitely the best drummer in the world. aside from robbie

Yo tom orchison and robbie were at the cockwash fest yesterday bustin some sick beats on there drums! Brrraapp!

by Tom the gay November 10, 2006

melissa & tom

True love. Magical. Something beyond amazing. Real.

I wish my love life was a melissa & tom!

by me&you2016 February 2, 2016

Tom Holland

The sexiest man who have ever walked on the earth. He glows like the sun.

If you don’t like Tom Holland, that means that you’re the problem not him.

A: my girlfriend can’t stop talking about Tom Holland. What can I do?
B: there’s nothing you can do.

by Sanne Partridge Holland February 7, 2021

Tom Holland

Tom Holland is a british actor best known for portraying Spider-Man for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is so much more than that. He is a dancer, he can speak Spanish and sing beautifully. He's been romoured to date Zendaya, but has denied it. It doesn't matter who he dates, the most important thing is that he is happy (and some fans should start respecting his privacy). He's also well known for Dave the frog (a frog living in his mouth), Rihanna lip sync (which he doesn't really like to be reminded of) and Quacksons (which is not that funny anymore since me and other british people pronounce it just like that). When there's not enough eggs in the shop he buys chickens to solve the problem, he has played in Billie Eliot the musical, he has
three amazing and talented brothers- Sam, Harry and Paddy (Patrick). He loves his fans and is generally too kind for this world. He loves meeting children in hospitals and making their day better. He can't play golf. Interestingly enough, he's scared of spiders. He is in romantic relationship with actor Jake Gyllenhaal. He is a Harry Potter fan and knows more than J.K. Rowling. In the past, he used to have problems with keeping secrets and he spoiled some movies a couple of times, but he has worked on that and now even gets real scripts of movies he plays in. These were some of the many facts about him. In conclusion, he is one precious and lovely human being who deserves privacy, support, love and all the happiness in the world.

I have once met Tom Holland in a restaurant when he was having dinner with his family, so I didn't bother him, I just waved at him when I was leaving and he waved back!

You did an amazing thing, I'm sure he was glad that he could have dinner with his family like a normal person.

Tom Holland is a lovely human being who deserves privacy, support, love and happiness.

by LucyTheTomHollandFan April 1, 2020

tom holland

the hottest British man live who plays spiderman

mia: omg tom holland is like so hot
me: i know right

by iaminlovewithtomholland May 1, 2021

Tom Holland

Tom Holland is perfect and adorable. He is a walking meme and is so cute with kids. He is afraid of spiders. In the Spider-Man movies, he does most of his own stunts. Everyone should respect this perfect man.

Tom Holland is the Best, hottest, most perfect person ever

by 1th2jh August 8, 2019