Source Code

Fire Shot

When you are cumming so hard that you become enraged


by CognitiveHalo June 25, 2024

ruth's fire

An extremely brilliant firery red "sunset" or "sunrise" , of unusual intensity. Usually illuminating the under portions of clouds and especially storm clouds or smoke from wild fires; where high levels of moisture or dust particles are present in the atmosphere, giving the appearance of a firey red sunrise or sunset. This is caused by sunlight that travels through more of the atmosphere during sunset, causing shorter wavelength blue light to scatter away, leaving longer wavelength red and yellow light to reach our eyes. This process is called Rayleigh scattering, which occurs when light scatters off of gas molecules and other particles (such as water droplets or dust) in the atmosphere. When this happens and clouds are present, depending on conditions the light can reflect or refract and explode in a brilliant firey array of pastel colors giving off all shades of red, orange and yellow light. When these conditions are extreme, some storm chasers and photographers refer to this as "Ruth's Fire" , or a "Ruthy's Fire" Sunset or Sunrise. Both terms are valid and used. Defintion 2. Ruth's Fire is any extreme red spectrum or red shift releigh scattering.

Defintion of Ruth's Fire/ Ruthy's Fire is any sun set or sun rise of "extremely"' vivid and brilliant firey colors; associated usually with clouds along the horizon and especially storm clouds while the sun is at its lowest point.

I just photographed a Ruthy's Fire Sunset. After the storm passed there was a brilliant Ruthy's Fire sunset. Look at the Ruth's Fire Sunrise. The storm clouds gave way to a Ruth's Fire Sunset. This morning I saw a Ruth's Fire Sunrise. The most brilliant, breath taking sunset photography are of Ruth's Fire susets/sunrises. Oklahoma and Kansas are famous for their bright red Ruth's Fire sunsets.

by Tornadotodd July 21, 2024

Ruth's Fire

Having to do with the intensity of color regarding sunrise or sunset. A firey bright red sunrise or sunset, can also be called Ruthy's Fire, sunrise or sunset. Having to to with only the most vivid or brilliant reds within the color spectrum.

That's a Ruth's Fire sunset. It is so intense and red that it looks like the sky's on fire.

by Tornadotodd December 25, 2023

rapid fire im'er

Noun: a person (usually a noob ) who meesages you nonstop unless you either sign yourself as invisible or block the person indefinetly

Cruton is a rapid fire im'er, that i had to destroy his computer for him to stop.

by Razordog January 15, 2008

flickering fire

(slang) - something, particularly a fad, which becomes fire (very popular) for some time, then dies down again in popularity, and then comes back.

Fortune tellers are flickering fire, for they were popular in 2017-19 and now they are re-emerging in 2023 at our school.

by herobrine049X May 17, 2023

Fire Tread

To send someone lyrics to a song first before hearing it

Send me some fire tread please

by Olliray August 18, 2022

fire homie

A sacred bond that can never be broken under any circumstances was created by acient aztecs it was the highest level of homieness that could ever be achieved most would spend there whole life trying to achieve it

Bro we are fire homies and we always will be

by Sharquan Lewis January 10, 2017