april 20th is national short people day. this is the day where short people qualify has tall, and their tall friends cannot make fun of them for a day.
“hey man, i’m has tall as you!”
“what do you mean?”
“it’s april 20th!”
April 20th, also known as “Crimson” day, is a day to celebrate the color and/or things associated with the world. Things associated with this day, for example Crimson_Ruler, are usually considered high-class.
A : Are there any holidays today?
B: Yeah, April 20th, A.K.A. it’s Crimson day!
People born In April 20th are BEST PEOPLE YOU WILL EVER KNOW!!! but also remember they got a bad temper too and is really beautiful
Karen: I wish I was born in April 20th
Suzan: why?
Karen: cuz ☝🏻☝🏻
be greatful for yo bestie day
ayo, its april 20th today, imma be grateful for mah bestie today
International "Tip Your Favorite Creator For No Reason at all" day. A day to celebrate your favorite, talented OF creator!
"Hey babe! Why did you tip me $500 right now? 🥰" "Oh it's because it's April 20th!"
International Knowledgeable people day! if you find someone unknowledgeable smack them with a spatula
P1) "Yo are you knowledgeable?"
P2) "no I'm really dumb, why?"
P1) *laughs, then beats p2 with a spatula*
P2) why did u do that to me?
P1) its April 20th