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doing the bang bang

When two (or more) people are engaging in sexual/erotic activity’s.

“Hey Roman, where’s Remus and Janus?”

“They’re doing the bang bang in the top floor bathroom.”

by Bananacondawithsnitties August 12, 2021

bang king

A person who is a master at having sex with different women is called bang king!

Hey, he's the new bang king of town

by sex mad January 22, 2017

Neck bangs

The short hairs against the back of your neck that are cause from breakage.

I'm trying to give you a massage but your neck bangs keep getting in the way.

My neck bangs won't stay in my pony.

Your neck bangs look real nice flowing in the wind. Sick flow.

by Rapril13 August 27, 2014

Keep Banging your doors

A term used by prisoners or ex prisoners referring to the awesome load bang you get from slamming your cell/pad’s door. It pisses off the screws/ prison wardens because you can’t not jump/ be scared from it.

Keep banging your doors the boys”. Stop banging the fucking doors!!!”

by ImArascal May 11, 2023

Bang it

To hang up the phone randomly with no context. Usually while the other person is still speaking.

Person #1: They are chatting on the phone right now

Person#2: Just bang it on em

**Beep Beep Beep**


by SC thee stallion May 31, 2022

Bang it

When someone say some shit you don’t like or don’t mess with.

Aye bro let me get 50$”

Me: Bang it Jit.

by Qfrm305 October 4, 2021

bang it

to put something on your hood

my grandma got shot yesterday i can bang it

by jaytoooshiesty September 20, 2022