Addison Shea is a indie folk musician.
Did you hear Addison Shea's new song? You should buy some Addison Shea music Merch! She has an awesome website called!
Someone with the music note tattoo along their body has shown exceptional skill on the Skin Flute or Sacksophone
Wearers who have tattooed the Music Note on the face have especially high desire to play the Skin Flute often times without even being asked to.
See that Music Note Tattoo on Damiens face? He'll suck your dick raw for free.
A favourite artist
A sugar daddy, but instead of money he gives you good music.
Oh my god, have you heard this artist {artist's name} new song? I swear they are my Music Daddy.
A paleontologist is a scientist who studies the history of life on Earth through the fossil RECORD. Fossils are the evidence of past life on the planet . A trace fossil is any evidence of the life activity of music that lived in the past. Beats, tracks, bars and melodies are all examples of trace fossils.
A paleontologist is a scientist who studies the history of life on Earth through the fossil RECORD. Fossils are the evidence of past life on the planet . A trace fossil is any evidence of the life activity of music that lived in the past. Beats, tracks, bars and melodies are all examples of trace fossils. There are few people that have the gift of this craft. It takes a keen ear and vision of the future to be a true music paleontologist. The only true way to the future is to unravel the past.
Music that takes inspiration from Dadaism (Dadaism being an art movement which rejected the logic, reason and aestheticism of modern art and instead expressed nonsense and irrationality within different works of art. It was often referred to as anti-art).
One of the most notable dada music artists is System of a Down. You'd have to have a pretty high IQ to understand their music better.
An unabridged musical is a musical with no original songs, but instead have parody’s of different songs from movies, tv shows, and other musicals.
My favourite musical is an unabridged musical.
A term that some people would use to define screamo and all the genres that include it.
Teenager: -blasts "It Never Ends" by Bring Me The Horizon-
Mother: Are you listening to Zombie Death Music again?!?
Teenager: No...