Most undeveloped country
5th world Is something I am gald not to be in
A virtual world often referred to in video games where homosexuals/transgenders/outcasts often gather together in order to further their un-worldly views and/or engage in sexual activities with multiple parties.
After work tonight do you wanna try out World 59 and have some fun?
A magazine containing information about the world, such as what is going on in it.
Term createed by Treyvon Thompson
Wow, Inês Guerreiro is the cutest fucking thing in the world
A term used in jail that can be used to refer to many objects that any free man could easily obtain such as a lighter or cigarette.
Light up a world daddy.
You got a world daddy?
I'm taking this world daddy to the face?
Being completely useless, typical doomer
I'm a world cancer all I do is game 24/7 and masturbate on non-existent 2D girls