An absolute lad, he storms over all mortals and will one day rule us all.
Person 1: Holy shit is that an American Pixie Frog?!
Person 2: It is 😳
When a foreign man ejaculates his man fluid inside his American mating partner.
Jose; I totally baked a pie with a girl named Jennifer last time I was over the border
Miguelo; OH, you mean an American pie.
The location of massively disproportionate numbers of COVID-19 infections.
By late April, it still had not occurred to anyone in government to question whether the American slaughterhouse shutdowns, due to huge numbers of worker infections, might be a signal that coronavirus was animal-borne.
A title that some people use to describe certain a certain American fantasy author who has just the amount of talent and influence as J. R. R. Tolkien.
Some people consider A Song of Ice and Fire author George R. R. Martin the American Tolkien. Some may also give that title to The Wheel of Time author Robert Jordan too. But of course, this is all entirely subjective.
A condom.
Person: I had sex last night with this girl who insisted we use an American rubber so I took it off at the last second
Person 2: that's fucking evil
A norwegian american is a blond and blue eyed american from states in the US which are mostly fishing and farming communities who had norwegian ancestors stupid enough to move to america
"look at that blond guy fishing over there! He is definetly a norwegian american."
The use of other Countries to use American taxpayer pockets to fund their needs.
If someone stole my bike I'd sure like to have a Pocket American Handy.
A way of funding NATO.