Source Code

Rusty Fire Hydrant

When a male (older male) is in the act of “cumming” and nothing comes out

babe i need you back, he got my with a rusty fire hydrant again

by Braden Fredericks September 5, 2017

Three fire emoji

Manchester City suck

Wow. Three fire emoji

by Trippy1 February 21, 2018

out of the frying pan and into the fire

Its from an old Latin fable about fish convincing each other that jumping out of the frying pan is the only way to avoid certain doom. In modern times i means rushing out of a bad situation without considering the implications.

Poor old Ben jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire when he quit the job he hated to find himself homeless and unemployable

by Omniomega24 February 11, 2016


An act of heavy drinking or doing absolutely anything with extreme focus and partying at 100 miles per hour at all times.

Hey let’s fire this weekend.

Dude I can’t wait to fire this weekend.

We are firing right now get here.

by YETH October 27, 2021


To do absolutely anything in a party scene or type including being drunk and or on drugs at a wild and rapid pace like a 100 mph with no stopping until the night or morning is over.

Hey dude let’s fire this weekend.

We firing this weekend?

We have to be firing tonight.

You firing tonight?

by YETH October 27, 2021

Virginia forest fire

A Virginia forest fire is when two girls scissor so hard their pubes start on fire.
Guy 2: What! Did they get hurt?
Guy 1: No but Mary lost an eyebrow!

Guy 1: Did you here Mary and Leah made a Virginia forest fire last night?
Guy 2: What! Did they get hurt?
Guy 1: No but Mary lost an eyebrow!

by The Etter January 16, 2015

Irish Fire Drill

Similar to a Chinese Firedrill, but the participants run around the outside of a pub when the drill is called. The participants must then finish the remainder of their drinks once a lap is completed. Bonus points for stealing homeless people's belongings and not vomiting.

Dude, I've been working out and running a lot lately. I'm training for O'Connell's Irish Fire Drill.

by krazykaptain September 9, 2014