Source Code

Shop Car

A very common excuse used when trying to justify someone’s incompetence.

My name is Levi and my friends have “shop cars” so I can’t compete with them properly.

by Levi killa November 23, 2022

Ben car

1. (noun) Ben’s car
2 . (adjective) The act or state of being Ben car.

That’s so cool! Could I get a ride in Ben car?

by gasman112 March 21, 2019

I crashed my car into a bridge

I crashed my car into a bridge is a way to let your friends/family know that you were in danger and you wish them a goodbye in case

Daughter: I crashed my car into a bridge

Mom: Where are you let me pick you up

Daughter: 123 emergency lane

Mom: Who is following you/endangering you

by Icrashedmycarintoabridge April 26, 2022

Muscle cars rule

Thats me!

Muscle cars rule is soooo cool
My crush: shut up he’s so lame and stupid. He kinda sus too

by Muscle cars rule December 2, 2023

muscle cars rule

Thats me

Muscle cars rule is so cool

by Muscle cars rule December 2, 2023

Car crash carousel

A day being likened to a car crash in a roundabout. First one car crashes into another, then another ontop of that, and it can keep going until the roundabout is filled.

Friend: "So how was your day?"

Me: "Like a car crash carousel"

Friend: "Well fuck. That bad?"

by SwedeRoyale March 8, 2020

Boobs! Sports! Beer! Tits! Cars!

Boobs! Sports! Beer! Tits! Cars! is a term used in the redneck community to well, signal their love for boobs, sports, beer, tits and cars. They'll mostly shout this during a sport.

Redneck 1: Dude!!! They fucking scored we won!
Reneck 2: Boobs! Sports! Beer! Tits! Cars!

by SkailusLOL August 20, 2020