A very common excuse used when trying to justify someone’s incompetence.
My name is Levi and my friends have “shop cars” so I can’t compete with them properly.
1. (noun) Ben’s car
2 . (adjective) The act or state of being Ben car.
That’s so cool! Could I get a ride in Ben car?
I crashed my car into a bridge is a way to let your friends/family know that you were in danger and you wish them a goodbye in case
Daughter: I crashed my car into a bridge
Mom: Where are you let me pick you up
Daughter: 123 emergency lane
Mom: Who is following you/endangering you
Thats me!
Muscle cars rule is soooo cool
My crush: shut up he’s so lame and stupid. He kinda sus too
A day being likened to a car crash in a roundabout. First one car crashes into another, then another ontop of that, and it can keep going until the roundabout is filled.
Friend: "So how was your day?"
Me: "Like a car crash carousel"
Friend: "Well fuck. That bad?"
Boobs! Sports! Beer! Tits! Cars! is a term used in the redneck community to well, signal their love for boobs, sports, beer, tits and cars. They'll mostly shout this during a sport.
Redneck 1: Dude!!! They fucking scored we won!
Reneck 2: Boobs! Sports! Beer! Tits! Cars!