in season one the last episode off the season is all ends well with a wishing well the gang is at a wishing well and tigger wants a birthday and so he has to make up for all the birthdays he missed and one of his wishes was a banana spilt and a pogo stick some other wishes where the moon and a root bear and a pb&j i think a submarine and a sea of green so pooh go to get the moon for tigger but then he falls into the well and enters a wish world then tigger piglet and rabbit trie to save him but they find a giant cake for tigger tigger is older than most people reading this and 65+ at least!then they escape by using the last wish and then tigger get a banana spilt!
guy 1:look a tigger with a pig a bear and a rabbit eating a banana spilt while boncing on pogo stick!guy 2:WHAT THE FUCK guy three i want a banana spilt and a pogo stick too!
The intimate act of attaching a peeled banana to the male’s cock and having his partner chew it up into a mush, and then surrounding the cock in it. The couple then proceeds to have sex in any position they prefer with the mush then spreading out inside of the woman’s vagina.
Woman: “We had some amazing bananas yesterday night, they tasted amazing on my husband’s cock, and had great texture for my insides. Best banana split delight ever.”
To rock out with your cock out, relax. Usually said between men, when nobody is around.
"hey brhaody is around, we have the fight on and our Redbulls in hand-picked time to let yo banana hang out.
When you put your penis in a butthole and pull it out, then you have a peanut butter banana
I asked my husband if I could put his peanut butter banana in my mouth after he got done hitting me from the back
A common North American rat , that lives in the remains of thrown out banana peels and feeds of feral cats dingleberries.
Friend: EWWW! What's eating Ellie's dingleberries?
Me: Thats a banana rat for you!
When you are to shy to say you miss somebody, you can use this word.
‘I banana …(somebody), I hope he/she will come back home soon.’ Mary said to me.
To have done it all at this point you are a holy being who shall forever be a god the only way to lose banana souls is to stop tweeting BANANA SOULE and then linking alpharad deluxe channel at least once a day
Yo bro I just heard Ellie just told everyone the easy steps to obtaining banana soule!