A short blonde kid that gets all the girls But he usually has one in mind. The girl he like’s names usually starts with C. Often the popular kid but acts silly and dumb. Also know to act like a cat.
That kid is purring like a cat must be Ryan.
Ryan is a small, like reallllly small, but strong, smart and adorable. He will eat all your food and has really nice hair. LIKE REALLY NICE HAIR.
He is also constantly getting molested by all the boys like all the time they just have their hands all over him its weird you should go save your local ryan right now.
if you find a ryan, immediately become friends with him and then use urban dictionary during english with him. Its fun<3
"Have you touched ryans hair?"
"omg yes how is it so nice"
1 Will reject the help of others. Has his eyes set on some man candy. Well known for being a diva. Prefers a friend group made up of only girls.
"Ryan dont I look good in this dress? "
" Yea, but we all know that I look like a queen!"
A 12 year old who has a smaller dick than my sister
Ryan "your ego is big but your dick is tiny"
An absolute lad with an eight inch shaft. Also very smart and fit.