A government owned program created to disrupt children's minds an make then slaves to a unhealthy routine and making the steal money from credits cards to burn insignificantly, making more and more people poor, also it uses a very infectious strategy were simple minds get cought, probably the worst plague of humanity, if you see it installed somewhere, run, no place is safe
I think Fortnite is killing me, this may be our last meeting, tell my dog I love him
fortnite is the worst game and will steal ur boi and is a game for virgins so go play last of us or destiny 2
The game that sucks the life out of your boyfriend when you wanna hang out with them. They never pay any attention to you, whatsoever.
Girl: hey wanna go out tonight
Boy: nah. I'm playing Fortnite tonight.
The gayest of he gay. Supposedly if you dont have a "skin" your instantly are bad at the game. Also there is the wonders of voice chat, where 5 year olds are screaming or 20 year olds are swearing at the top of there lungs
Person 1: *joins game of fortnite to see how good it is*
Voice chat 5 year old: YOU GOD DAMN SON OF A BI-
Person one: ight ima head out
A game you play if you enjoy the same gender as you
Aiden plays fortnite he must be gay