Source Code

satans piss water

Some fucked up shit, usually a dark color

A: What are you drinking?
B: satans piss water

by Hitlers grandmother April 27, 2016

Piss-Cum Strat

Piss-Cum Strat, although abnormally named, is a glitch in the browser game Chirpy Reverie in which Chirpy, the main character, gets clipped into a wall and his "Grounded" flag for a few frames, allowing him to perform a secondary jump.

Bart performs a Piss-Cum Strat in the final level of the game to save a dash.

by NamelessNexus November 20, 2022

fist full of piss

When you fill a beer bottle with piss and give it to a drunk friend unknowingly they drink it and beat the shit out of you

Tristan:hey did you hear what happend to Charlie?
Karissa:yea he got a fist full of piss

by Dovahwank June 3, 2016

smoking cat piss

When you want to get weed but you only have $5.( bad weed)

“ My dealer ripped me off, now I’m smoking cat piss”

by Rocco C June 17, 2022

I'm making piss

When you're creating urine

I can't talk right now, I'm making piss

by HazelTreeeee June 3, 2022

piss golden showers

WHen you piss on someone and ur pee is yellow

John wanted to Piss Golden showers on Meg, despite telling him she is not into his piss kink

by Waifuwars October 28, 2020

Godzilla Piss Smell

1. Were you piss in a toilet and don’t flush it for a few days and the whole god damn bathroom gets stunk up

You: Holy shit it smells like a Godzilla Piss Smell

Yo homie: What do you expect its the boys bathroom

by Garfielddidntkillhimself May 31, 2022