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Duck child

When you mate with a duck it comes a duck child

DatDuck child is so deformed

by Loliolysser February 8, 2020

duck skin

Duck skin is a term used when goose bumps is not accessible to the brain. Usually used when someone is on drugs or smokes too much weed.

When you kiss my neck I get duck skin all over.

by Nurse Johns March 6, 2023


Verb (past tense)

1) To be exceptionally braggadocios prior to suffering a humiliating defeat

2) To perform demonstrably better than a competitor, yet see that competitor advance in your place

1) Man, we thought we had that tournament in the bag but we got Whiskey-Ducked. Better luck next year, I guess

2) Dude, how did I get Whiskey-Ducked out a spot in the elite 8?! I won two more games than Kevin!

by comgrad24 September 21, 2023

Lisha Rae Donald Duck

Donald Duck

Lisha rae Donald Duck is Donald

by yourememberthattttt October 31, 2024

fucker duck

It's a Kevin or Kevin like asshat who aggrevates an Angel in an often sexual manner if she is lucky but mainly just to piss her off!

Kevin is the ultimate fucker duck

by Fucker duck hater June 26, 2019

hold my duck

A widespread practical joke among young people meant to confuse and cause laughs

Bradee: hey hold my duck!
Jared: I can't even with you

by MrHaversham May 19, 2017

The duck’s nuts

Similar to “the bee’s knees”. Australian/New Zealand slang meaning “the height of excellence”.

Damn bro, how was John’s mum’s pussy? I’ve heard it’s amazing.
Yeah mate, it’s the duck’s nuts!

by Rrrrrrich September 20, 2018