“All Fs” is shorthand for “Five Figure Foolishness”. A high earning individual should use this term whenever a low earning individual expresses jealously or “hate” at the high earning individual.
(High Earner) “I just got a job making $150k!
(Low Earner) “That’s nothing. My buddy’s cousin makes a million dollars”
(High Earner) “Boy, you’re All Fs” aka “Boy, you are Five Figure Foolishness”
The oldest, middle-age band member who plays music with the other teenage band members, hoping to get famous and leave their crappy day-job. These blokes have a short temper and are the most immature of the members, frequently throwing tizzy fits about minuscule obstacles that might hinder the fame they deserve.
"Dude, who was that guy who just threw a tantrum over the argument not directed towards him?"
"Oh, haha that's Qis, he's an All-Star Band Member"
"bro, I thought he spilt his non-concentrated juice for a second there"
A saying used by some people that wish to appear "hip and with it" but in reality they don't really have any uniqueness about them. They simply spend the money and convey the attitude that they "have it" while making sure to be seen with the "in crowed" at social events, or at least talk about "the other night" when they were with the popular main-streamers.
"hey mang, its 'all about them franks" yo yo"
Relatable... Ennui... Son of a bitch, is that another one? God damnit...
Hym "You know what I think it is? I think you all remember how much I said I hate watching critically acclaimed movies right after they come out and you try and screw me by making me write the so I have to go and watch them as soon as they come out to see if I wrote some of it. Jesus christ... Now I have to go watch this Everything everywhere all at once bullshit...."😮 💨
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wait its all ohio shoots in the back of the head
When you get pissed about someone's opinion or advice you didn't ask for.
1.Friend: "You know smoking crack is a occupational hazzard"
2.You: "Oh? That's what the last Muthafuka said, But I didn't ask for your advice so Fuck All, Fuck Y'all! "
A term used to describe an individual who is ridiculously over-zealous in any of his or her pursuits, often in a comedic and destructive way. These individuals are easy to point out in a crowd and are noticeably more agitated, sweaty, and loud than a normal person. The term evolved from high school football where 3rd string “bag team” players would injure starting running backs by being overly aggressive during Friday half speed practices.
Friend #1: How'd John do with that girl?
Friend #2: Not so good. He scared her away with his Bag Team All-American technique
Person #1: Torn ACL?
Person #2: Yep. Playing football in the park with Bag Team All-American Nate.
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