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You can't have your cake and eat it too

you cant enjoy what is yours. you can work or you can enjoy.

you work really hard and finish a report, someone else takes credit.


you have a gorgeous girlfriend whom only others enjoy in bed.

you enjoy fishing and eating fish, you catch a fish, but your wife eats it.

she says "You can't have your cake and eat it too"

by geneva rain August 11, 2006

142๐Ÿ‘ 727๐Ÿ‘Ž

I could eat the crutch off a low flying duck

To be so hungry that if a duck were to fly over you quite close to your head you would reach up and take a bite of the duck's crutch in order to ease your hunger pains.

Man I'm so hungry I could eat the crutch off a low flying duck!

by hoodlum_hunter April 29, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

i would let you eat crackers on my bed

the phrase when you see a hot girl and you would let her have sex with you

tom: did you see that girl at that party
jimmy: yea, i think she would totally let me eat crackers on her bed
tom: (just staring at jim)
sentence for i would let you eat crackers on my bed

by f.l.r # 9 May 6, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Must like to eat until you pass out

1. Terrible place for anyone outside the state...hell, terrible for anyone outside the city.

2. Ignorant, lazy, pathetic, fat, stupid people sweating in a city that is unbelieveably hot.

3. Terrible education system. Kids walk around dirty, speaking broken english and breaking into cars.

4. Absolutely no progress. This city has no decent jobs, it is nearly impossible to become middle class,has ugly architecture, huge bugs and refuses to live in the 21st century! I am black and I am telling other blacks here, "SLAVERY IS OVER!!! MARTIN LUTHER KING IS DEAD!!! GET A DAMN JOB, PUT YOUR KIDS IN THE TUB AND STOP LYING AROUND WAITING FOR HANDOUTS!!!" People make me sick.

5. The place where I will not raise my children! I am leaving here after my lease ends which is 2008, and heading for DC, Atlanta or New York City.

6. Closed minded to anyone who is not american black or white, Christian, conservative and overweight. Must like huge amounts of pork, bar-b-q, trash talking other people that are not like you and eating until your blood pressure is 300/200. Must not want to weigh less than 350 pounds.

Well I said quite a bit in the definition; but I will repeat here. If you wish to live in Memphis, you must like to eat until you pass out, steal, murder, refuse to speak proper english, talk about the white man holdin' you down daily, reject education, talk loudly, have several kids with different men yet talk about Jesus to whoever will listen, eat pork and not have any concept of what is happening outside of the city.

by Jennifer123 July 14, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

I will eat a mile of her shit to see where it came from.

A term used to describe an incredibly beautiful woman with a perfectly shaped butt.

Dude, she's so fine I will eat a mile of her shit to see where it came from.

by johnny hotsville August 22, 2009

47๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

You wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating cheesy doritos

A way of emphasising when a woman is increidbly attractive as cheesy doritos not only leave crumbs but also stink up the place.

Jessica Alba you wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating cheesy doritos

by Elburno January 27, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

69ing her while eating her ass on the potty

It's some trend going on on websites like Myspace in 2 0 1 7. A woman and a man 69. 69ing is when the woman sucks the dick while the man eats the ass. Now this trend, aka: 69hwehaotp. This trend is like 69ing, but it's on the toilet instead. This is refereed to as: The Shitty Potty

I was Shitty Potty 69ing her while eating her ass on the potty.

by 10YearoldPornstar March 7, 2017

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