French people. They only exist in a kids' tv show named Miraculous Ladybug.
Jean Pierre Polnareff from JoJo is one of those miraculous ladybug people.
That one salty bastard in your family who loses everytime; is usually fat, ginger or light blonde and gets bullied in school. Would spend £90 on a DLC for Cadburys if there was one.
Fatfuck: I don't wanna play monopoly! It isn't Minecraft!
Parent: *slaps* People who dont want to play Monopoly are a fagghot.
A phrase used to initially infer the inclusion of everyone in the actions of the state before slowly admitting "oh, we didn't mean you" and then it is used to justify the actions of the state. Current examples include China (Central People's Government), a soviet backed occupation of Lithuania (People's Government of Lithuania) , soviet backed client state in northern Iran (Azerbaijan People's Government ) and the United Kingdom (People's Government)
My name is Boris. I am the leader of the People's Government of the United Kingdom. <coughs> I am the leader of the People's Government of Britain <coughs> I am the leader of the People's Government of England. It is the will of the people to rebuild hadrian's wall and Offa's Dyke and we are not paying for it.
A purple 30 milligram morphine extended release pill.
The other day I chewed 2 purple people eaters and then swallowed 2......... I was high for almost the entire day.
I understand that you may believe there is no such thing as completely innocent people. However, there are instances where individuals harm others who have done nothing wrong to them, such as suicide bombers who target and kill innocent people, or school shooters who harm innocent children and teenagers without any justification. While there may be reasons behind their actions, it is never justified to harm innocent individuals who have not caused any harm themselves
1: Wow, They really killed innocent people without a reason at all. Sad to see
On October 22nd, after National Throw Short People day has ended, anyone can kick anyone who is 5’6 or taller in the balls without repercussions, unless they themselves are 5’6 or taller.
boy 1: man it was fun throwing short people
boy 2: do you know what today is though
boy 1: national kick tall people in the balls day
boy 2: FUCK