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Ninja: The Most Dangerous Game

Ninja the most dangerous game is a word used for the best book ever,it's called this cause it is the best book ever And this is an objective fact

"Hey synecdoche you're wrong and I'm right,Ninja: The Most Dangerous Game is the best book ever urban dictionary says so"

by DRO7876 April 17, 2023

Ninja Darone

The best dodgeball player.

Holy crap! Ninja Darone has the last dodgeball! I'm TOAST!

by the tomb lord October 26, 2019

Jordan The Ninja

Dastardly handsome, very talented individual who takes on tons more than meets the eye. A person who is very skilled at a great many things which most abilities are unknown. Although the skill level is very high, this often blinds the individual to certain cues. Deep down, there is a longing to be known for who he truly is. A silent scream to be heard as a person.

At first I didn’t buy into Jordan The Ninja being a real ninja. But alas, I have discovered that you can never really know him unless you know him not. He really is Jordan The Ninja

by JordanTheNinja November 23, 2021