Source Code

Abdool Potato

An epic arab mexican man. He is a giga chad.

Abdool Potato is a giga chad.

by AbdoolPotato April 27, 2021

2👍 31👎

Potato Water

A synonym for fortnite, the epitomy of trash and dodo.

Man, fortnite is Potato Water

by snos May 3, 2021


A word for when you find yourself ranting of what seems like random, irrelevant nonsense and wish to terminate the line of thought.

Computer Programmer: Here, take a look at this Jimmy. Now I know these four pixels don’t really mean much to you right now, but using this function I’ve made I should be able to draw an image on the screen at a specific position relative to the top-left corner of the display. You see, I store the data of the image as a list of RGB values which have to be ordered in this very specific way to maximize storage space. It iterates over every 3 numbers in the data list to get each pixel’s rgb color channels, and uses the width and height of the image to figure out where to put it. This function will also accept hex and hsv formats, which are just different ways of writing colors, and is very cool but does take some advanced type checking in the background, so perhaps I’ll split these functions into separate 'loadHex' and 'loadHSV' functions so it doesn’t have to check each time, not sure, maybe I’ll make this a library...do you think i should use classes for this…OOP is really cool nowadays……….... hmm……….. but yeah, this is like, the most awesomest incredible thing because this makes it possible to upload custom images if I can figure out how to extract the rgb pixel data from a file……. this opens up a whole new world of possibilities for my oddly specific use case..that you don’t seem to quite understand or grasp?um, Jimmy………. are you even listening to me?

Jimmy who lives down the road: …………………………..Huh?

Computer Programmer: ……………………………………….well……..*sigh*……………………………………… Potatoes.

by programmin May 16, 2024

chipotle potato

Someone who literally sits around and just eats chipotle

" Why is she always with the same burrito? She's literally such a chipotle potato. "

by gettinghotnottheweather September 23, 2015


a girl says that when they have a friend that has a name named Potato Lord that says "never eat potatoes"



Smoking a potato

Secret way to describe homosexual butt sex.

I was smoking a potato with Austin last night.

by POTATOSMOKER May 22, 2019

baked potato cat

1. A picture of a cat with butter on it, sitting in tin foil.

Person #1 was looking at a baked potato cat on his phone.

by a l d u i n October 19, 2018