(n) A synonym for vocabulary, or lexicon. Also known as how many words you know.
“i would cite my brain dictionary in moments of essay-writing stress.”
Media or literature that is so stupid it does not require a single brain cell to understand the context
“Dude, I’m so high I can only watch brain dead content like on YouTube right now…”
During or After a workout. A person with Gym Brain tends to forget words & act completely stupid.
“I can’t think I got Gym Brain”
The glazed over inhibition-free state of mind achieved during and after a good workout.
Man 1: where was jim?
Man 2: He was at the gym, look in his eyes. he's got that gym brain.
"Catan brain" is a playful expression used to describe someone who has developed a particular mindset or way of thinking shaped by their experiences playing the game.
Similar to the mental exhaustion from playing too much chess, "Catan brain" can also come with silliness and loss of patience.
We have been playing catan for 5 hours, I have developed catan brain.
Something you either need massive balls to do or zero brains.
Example with no brains
Bobby “Why is that guy riding a motorcycle with no helmet at 130 mile per hour (209 Kilometers per hour)?”
Brandon “That’s because he has a bad case of Balls No Brains”
Example with huge balls
Bobby “damn! That guy just punched one of the robbers in the face, too bad he’s about to get shot.”
Brandon “That guys got a serious Balls No Brains way of thinking.”
Looks like a rat. Hair looks like a winter wonderland. Did I forget to say he looks like a rat.
“Look at that guy over there, he looks like a rat must be a Brain Hinman.”