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La de smoke

the meaning is basically when you try to cheat your professor in a presentation with something that you didn't do it.

I was in the school with a maths exam, and I do it La de Smoke to approve.
When you use autotune for make millions, you are doing La de Smoke to be rich.

by BigSmokeLadeSmoke May 9, 2019

De Ja Woo

De ja Woo is a mixed drink containing dejablue water and any sort of alcohol---like a vodka water but specifically in Dejablue bottle

Woo me with some De Ja Woo

by Bathens July 11, 2011

chico de casa

a homeboy that is ethnic. it is used in reference to homeboys who are ethnic

homeboy= white guys
chico de casa = ethnic guys

by UHLEESUH y CHOLITA July 16, 2009

jesse de koning

A really sexy Guy, he fucked Many girls. The girls loves his giant Dick. And he's a Nice person. He's a really Nice person

Thats a real Jesse de koning

by Jdk1002 February 25, 2017

uno de lucas

This comment is usually left by Hispanic (?) Lumi’s/OT23 Nctzens aka Lucas stans, most of the time this comment is brought up on OT22 Nctzens posts which don’t mention Lucas at all.

Veronika: **Posts a TikTok praising Taeyong**
Lumi: “Uno de Lucas 🥺💚”

by Sungchanism October 4, 2022

la máquina de hacer pájaros

A Rock band resposible for a musical revolution in Argentina during the mid 70's. One of Only a few bands in the world who write amazings rock songs and are still producing top albums 10 years later. All those of you who go on about their antics in the media are completely missing the point. They are legends

finna listen to la máquina de hacer pájaros brodie

by prog supremacist February 22, 2017

la máquina de hacer pájaros

A Rock band resposible for a musical revolution in Argentina during the mid 70's. One of Only a few bands in the world who write amazings rock songs and are still producing top albums 10 years later. All those of you who go on about their antics in the media are completely missing the point. They are legends

la máquina de hacer pájaros, nibba

by prog supremacist February 22, 2017