An amazing up-and-coming band that features Jayni and Maxx. Their music is yet to be on iTunes but they are working on an album.
Girl: Did you hear about Midnight Shot Dance?
Guy: Heck yeah! They're so hot...
An interesting way to invite someone to fight.
Person 1: You think you are so tough, huh? Let's dance.
A person who is the SEXIEST GIRL ALIVE. Name usually stars with an A and are very pretty and A STAR AT DANCE!!! They tell their boys hey I love talking to you then they rarely text back. I mean come on he puts in some of his time and energy into talking to you why can’t you spend time to make him happy?
And then you wonder why he doesn’t talk to you and blame him for drifting away when it was really you!!! Oh my dance star
Avery is my dance star
When you trick someone into seeing the dance of Italy, the forbidden dance of Unus Annus. The new rickroll for Unus Anus fans.
Mark: Ha! Get dance of italy’d.
Ethan: No!! Memento Mori.
a trotek dance is when trotek dances on you, it's rumored to be worse than deafult dance
You suck
*Trotek dances on you*
a dance that one does due to sexual excitement over someone or something, similar to the river dance with Michael Flatley.
Have you seen Phil's Riverjizz Dance? uh uh uh!!!
A sacred dance that has the potential to create storms and etc.
My crops was on the verge of death until my friend did his/her Norwegian dance and a few hours later, it stormed ,restoring the crops back to its luscious state