some pussy shit that lil niggas play instead of getting laid
Itay:hey Andres you want to go get some bitches
Andres:nah fam im playing fortnite
Itay:oh ok you'l be a virgin for ever
my twelve year old son has a fortnite tumor and the doctors say he won't make it
Game for sad virgins, and middle schoolers.
"My 6th grader friend, Jared, plays Fortnite too!"
A game that millions of people play and rage at.
Dude, wanna play fortnite? Alright ima beat you in a 1v1.
a good way to keep your virginity
my girlfriend won't fuck me because of fortnite
An irrelevant online shooter game that died a long time ago, often played by 6 - 10 year olds with anger issues, it is a game that will seem free at the start but will eventually drag you in to spending money on which will make you steal your mommy’s credit card.
This game is like Fortnite