A Prison that sits In Apopka Florida it's pretty peaceful but you still have to watch out for Mister Clark And other teachers if not Mister Clark will see you "AFTER CLASS"
Kid 1 What school do you go to
Kid 2 Piedmont Lakes Middle School
Kid 1 LMAO that hell hole your fucked
River ridge middle school is ass
First of all we got racist ass and homophobic people here. Like do I need to go on? Plus on top of that people complain about the dress code when I haven’t heard or seen on person get dress coded
Plus the people in the school are 🍑
Somebody: river ridge middle school sucks 🍑
Legit everybody else: yes.
Basically it lives up to the name "ghetto gates". Many chicks think they have it all and there are many incidents over there. All covered up by the fat ass principal with her dumb ass smile. The teachers think they are basically equal to Elon fucking musk and treat the kids like shit. They spend all the tax money on stupid shit like a football field and an auditorium WHEN THEY ALREADY HAD BOTH. They have poor planning in school and stupid rules. For example: "if you are caught going to your locker before you get breakfast, you will get detention." A lot of white girls who think they are black as fuck and a lot of little thots and whores that have lost their v-card by 7th grade. Behold the one place on earth where the food has mold in it. Countless of times we've found mold and hair in our food. Racist teachers, and homophobic teachers as well. Send your kids to gates chili middle school :)
Kid a: "yeah I go to gates chili middle school."
Kid b: oh ISNT that where that girl got pregnant in 7th grade!"
Kid a: "yup."
a school from hell where dreams fucking die and the students are all on some sort of drugs. all the kids are depressed because of the teachers and their lack of optimism. they want death as much as the students. satan is possessing every single being in the premises. the vice principal is a hate symbol and is wanted “dead or alive” for a reward. everyone is fucking dead inside. it’s hell there.
“hey did you hear about how y/n went to william annin middle school ”
“yeah they didn’t come back out alive”
a school in Firestone Colorado don't go here the principle is ass and all the kids are weird
oh ya? that shitty school Coal Ridge Middle School? yeah fuck that place
A fuck ass place that deserves to burn in hell
Mary: Name a fuck ass place that deserves to burn in hell.
Ryan: Umm Porter Ridge Middle School.
Mary: Correct!!
Not many people now about this school but is located in gainesville ga . It is the school that people like Garrett W, Aiden B, Rafita M, Jaylne A, Jack W, Victor G, Fernando V, Arithzi V, Zara H,Evany T, Alex H, Salone H, and Kirby W have all gone/go too but some of these names you probably don't know but some that you probaly do know is:
Garrett W 10
Alex H 9
Victor G, Aiden A, Zara H 8
Rafita M , Jaylne A, Arithzi V 7
Jack W , Evany T
Kid "Have you heard about world language middle school "
Me "No"
Kid "Its where Aiden, Zara, and Rafita go too"