An expression coined by C/C++ users, where the reference to man refers to the manual.
"If you don't know the ceiling function, ask the man!"
You better watch out, you better not go out at night because Phencyclidine Man is gonna take you alive
help phencyclidine man is at my door
The testicles. The balls. The gonads.
My man beets are all sweaty. Wanna lick?
I like pulling on my man beets.
I shave my man beets.
A dude who likes to have sex with other dudes.
"hey man you watch out for him, he's a man tackler"
A weirdly tall creature that drinks Bepis.
Along with being very nice to everyone around them, making everyone want to be their friend
“Hey is that a celebrity?”
“No it’s a Bepis Man, everyone likes him”.
Braeden Worsham, He likes to cheat on girls. you like jumping from girl to girl with not stopping.