a clap happy pussy ass trick is a bitch that continually does her man's dick cause it feels good and she ain't got nothing better to do than to get high off the climax with his rod that she creates a still picure of his dick in her and his mind until it happpens that way
Angelina Jolie is such a clap happy pussy ass trick with any of her men she traps em and they can't leave her fucking ass presence cause she frame them in her vags.
When two girls have sex and cum in each others mouth, then the other girl lays on the floor while the girl humps her
Two girls have sex and it gets wild , and they do the happy kitten
Endless happiness- Aro and ez making a family from mars and Eating stone - ez i love aro - aro i love ez
Endless happiness- Aro and ez making a family from mars and Eating stone - ez i love aro - aro i love ez
today MARCH 19/ EVERYDAY = day of doug birth
happy fucking birthday you crackhead cum dumpster numskull licker
ps i fucked your sisters
Something that only exists when buying materialistic items for your girlfriend. Other than that, that shit ain't real.
Guy 1: Yo so last night I think I actually had a happy girlfriend
Guy 2: What did you buy her?
Guy 1: make up
Guy 2: nice...