Another person who let’s you cream in them willingly and leave as you please (multiple times).
“oh your talking to that girl?”
“no she’s just my cream piece”
Another person who let’s you cream in them willingly and leave as you please (multiple times).
“oh your talking to that girl?”
“no she’s just my cream piece”
Crevis cream is the sweat from under a mans testicles
Hey dude its hot out here, i need to go wipe off my crevis cream.
That stuff diamond put up her tootie on the video
A reverse creaming is performed while in the act of jerking off your male partner.
The crux of it is in tricking your partner to believe his ejaculate will land either on you or around his penis,
at the last moment before ejaculation; you are to aim your partners penis towards his face suchthat the ejaculate will land squarely in his face.
It's supposed to be surreptitious in nature, but consensual reverse creaming are known have happened
Ohh man, me and my girlfriend was going down on me last night.
Thought I was going to finish in her face and then she reversed creamed me when I closed my eyes.
A little bit went into my mouth, I hate Reverse Creaming
When you tie a string around your dick so tight nothing can come out, then you jerk off as many times as it takes for your nose to start running.
Dude I spent the night reverse creaming so hard last night my nose has been running all day.
it means good you dirty minded frick
your playlist is cream of the crotch