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titty dumper

A embarrassing prank where you grab the wire underside of a woman’s bra and pull outward and upward, causing her titties to be dumped downward out of the bra. It’s like a reverse wedgie, but for breasts.

Susan and I are always playing pranks on one another; when she leaned in to hug me today, I surprised her at the last minute by giving her the ol’ titty dumper.

by Gotcha Fishman November 30, 2024

garfield titties

when a bitch got orange titties

yo man i would’ve tapped but she got garfield titties”

by owenmiller July 19, 2021

titty nic

Any type of nicotine stored in bras by women, the top isn’t touching the boob, it’s simply sticking out the side of the bra. Don’t be afraid to hit of some titty nic! You won’t die

Boy 2: let me get a hit of your nic
*girl 1 pulls it out of her bra*

Boy2: I dont want your titty nic!
Girl 2: here hit off mine that’s in my pocket

*few minutes later*
Boy 3: nobody wants titty nic dude
*boy 2,4 agree with him, but boy 1 stays silent*
Girl 2: where the hell else are we supposed to put it so we don’t get searched? Up our fucking pussys?

by kava414 April 16, 2024

National Send A Titty Picture Day

The day where the female of any choice is obligated to send a picture of her titties. This date is on December 4th.

baee it’s National Send A Titty Picture Day you already know the deal 😈🙏.”

by that really nigga December 4, 2022


Large Beautiful Womens Breasts which cause uncontrollable desire to touch or use as pillow facedown .

That Girl was so #titty-Pedic

by ACTIONJACKON1989 February 19, 2021


Large Beautiful Breast that hypnotize men , and are extremely comfortable to sleep with your face in them..

Man! That girl had some Titty-Pedic going on..

by ACTIONJACKON1989 February 18, 2021

phat titties

a pair of boobs that are enormously big, but aren't the kind you would enjoy. Often associated with Pancake Nipples.

"Damn! That girl's got some 'Phat Titties'! Ewww!"

by trixisforkids3 December 19, 2017