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Bustling the Cookies

"The act of filing copyright claims in order to remove a person's content regardless of legality"

"Someones Bustling the Cookies again on my youtube channel just because i showed a clip of a game i'm playing??"

by yomtekadsoik oma February 26, 2023

Jizz cookie

Another way of saying Soggy Biscuit

Alfread: Hey wanna do the Jizz Cookie Competition?
Jack: Do you mean Soggy Biscuit?

by JizzCookie March 28, 2022

Smooshy Cookie

When a group of guys stand in a circle, ejaculate on a cookie and the guy who cums last has to eat the cookie that was ejaculated on.

we are going to make a smooshy cookie.

by Red Wench April 3, 2009

Cookie Purse

The lower fupa (upper front pussy) of a girls stomach from giving birth to humans…. or alcohol.

Hey John…. Did you see that Cookie Purse on Jackie? It’s been a while since I’ve seen her. 😬

by Cahlheim September 9, 2021

Squishy Cookie

In the act of 69-ing (a sex position) the partner on top, lifts their ass and shits on the partner below.

You made front hole so happy, back hole gives you squishy cookie.

by Anallover4000 May 20, 2019

squishy cookie

a definitive time for the word vagina

I liked her in the squishy cookie.

by Person O'random January 20, 2016

carnival cookie

When a clown defecates onto the chest of a 'victim'.

Yesterday at the county fair, i totally got a carnival cookie

by the wankstain February 5, 2010