1. a literal sad horses mouth
2. where a older woman or whore have lost their elasticity in their vagina, meaning then when it comes to intercourse its like putting fingers or a penis in a moist bin bag.
how was that girl last night?
worn she had sad horses mouth syndrome
The type of word you have for somebody that’s so dumb you just blank out them they are talking
ex: *says anything*
Me: *in my head* oh shut the f**k up you spill mouth
When a chick gives you a blow job after a night out of partying and possibly involving some cocaine (the white). Typically administered by a lady of the night or queen of the brass staff.
Man dog....I was rock hard ready for that special attention from this chick and then she hit my with that gravy mouth. It was lose of hardness from that point on.
A person who is beautiful, but who always says something stupid/crazy/annoying. He/she is called such, because, much like 911, when he/she opens his/her mouth, the whole world changes.
I love to look at Mary, but when she opens her mouth, i lose all interest.
dude, she's a 911-mouth.
Sucking on a girl's tits when she has nipple piercings
Jacob: Yo I got that clout mouth last night.
Sam: That's nuts, I didn't know Sarah had her nipples pierced.
A term to describe a woman - who's incredibly beautiful, but, her beauty is ruined by the fact that she has a horrible personality.
Friend: Stacy is hot; ¿how come you don't want to date her?
My response: she is, but, she has a face full of sugar and a mouthful of bitterness
The mysterious hairs which stick to your tongue, which have you scraping your inner mouth with your long, grimy fingernails.
My cat David keeps spreading Mouth Hairs through the house!