A very big example of nothing litterly nothing so don’t ask questions here it may be blue but ain’t got a shoe what a rhyme ain’t it like blue in a shoe as it is nothing it’s just your imagination litterly so cool you don’t feel it ain’t even see it so please no trains no gains am i right so be pleased and get lots of feast's mrbeast aint gonna feast with feastables am i right yeah I’m so right you don’t even know how right I am you can not even use it in a sentence!!!
Urban dictionary:Error000 this word is nothing so you can’t use it in a sentence people
Oh man, i don't know what this word means, let me search it on urban dictionary
A site where people go to laugh at what people write the definitions of words, instead of being used like an actual dictionary.
Mom: Son why did you search yesterday Urban Dictionary 30 times?
Son: ...
A place to find definitions of words posted by other users
The urban dictionary is the best
An unfunny website filled with 12 y/o's looking for/making sex definitions because their tiny shrimp always wants to stick itself in their dream woman who is probably way older.
This website also contains things which actually help. Example: Math Definitions, Celebrity News, Science Terms and Meme Definitions.
If you are a publisher on Urban Dictionary, Please avoid making any explicit, unfunny jokes or sex terms because we all know you're 12.
The Urban Dictionary Is Fucked Until Reporting Works.
The site you are on, be smarter :)
Bro imagine searching up the Urban Dictionary on the site