The most good looking, adorable,loving,sexiest, and the coolest human being you'll ever met.
So if you know a paul james, don't ever hurt or let them go, or else they'll be your biggest TOTGA (the one that got away)
1.Damn, he pulled a paul james!
2.God, he's such a paul james!
3. He's such a paul james in bed!
or otherwise known as joshy boi. Lukas paul is a complete idiot and has no eyebrows. he has a greasy mullet and has no friends. he also sucks at Fortnite.
The act of two hoes sucking a shemales dick while playing overwatch and watching pewdiepie.
I saw paul and alyssa last night.
Small Brown Male originating from Sri Lanka and Paris. He loves dick riding and glazing, he has a famous pet called Floppa. He is approximately worth 999,999 roro and has 4 limited items to his name.
Man 1: "I was speaking to Paul Constantine last night"
Man 2: "Im sorry but even my therapeutic skills can't solve that one"
the hottest guy in the entire existing universe yuh
paul if you see this I love you more than I love my entire family yuh
family members if you find me go away please I ask with respect
agavenuex if you see this I deeeply apologise for betraying your damon obsession
it’s me
privy insta winsta - ilovestefanmorethanyou
ari fp insta winsta - buterasmeatball
tvdu insta winsta and tictac - stqfcn
swag tictac - shrekisminenotyours
yuh these hoes can’t stand me
paul wesley is hot
The best History/ English teacher a person could ever have