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Beat up little kids

having hardcore intercourse

mac*james and HEYSTRANGER like to beat up little kids together

by mac*james November 23, 2008

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Crap a little ding dong!

Nice little phrase my sister came up with.

Teacher: Where is you history homework?

Jennie: Oh, crap a little ding dong! I left it in my locker!

by Hallie Corson September 20, 2004

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Little Debbie Snack Cake

1. a baked, highly fattening cake made by the Little Debbie company

2. When you hit somebody in the balls with a hockey stick of any kind, but preferably a plastic toy hockey stick for the addition of hilarity.

When Jeff wasn't looking, I snuck up with my plastic stick and gave him a Little Debbie Snack Cake that he won't soon forget.

by dankdaddy420 November 3, 2009

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Big stick little stick

A game that is a type of ritualized fighting that was originated by native americans. Two people are given each a little stick to fight with and one big stick is placed between them. Either one can try to grap the big stick to beat the tar out of the other person with it but to do so they will have to let go of the little stick and so will have to grab the big stick while trying to keep the other person from beating the tar out of them with their little stick. But if they get the big stick they can beat the tar out of the other person because they have a way bigger stick.

You ever play big stick little stick?

by Deep blue 2012 August 16, 2010

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Little Love Button Of Joy

My babycakes! =)
a certain girl that happens to be a certain boy's everything (see Adam). She makes this certain boy's heart beat a million miles an hour, and can always put a smile on his face. When together, the two of them are grand adventurours. They enjoy cuddiling under the stars (always wishing on the shooting ones of course), watching the sun rise, and going on epic excrusions with their pimped out golf cart.(See love).
Little Love Button Of Joy is truely the most incredible, unbelieveable person in the whole wide universe. In fact, Little Love Button Of Joy is so indescribable, there is only one entry in the urban dictionary. It seems no one can really describe just how phenomenal this girl is.

Little Love Button Of Joy is an epic tandem rider. She and her partner in crime pull it superhero style.

Little Love Button Of Joy shares a pretty much super raddcore rock with a pretty much love crazed boy, it is hidden in a uber duber secret location and is recognized by the two every saturday morning.

Dear Little Love Button Of Joy, If you need more, just call me. I'll try to better explain, you know where to reach me.

by guess =) September 18, 2008

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My Little Ducky.

An obedient slave/boyfriend even when they live multiple states away from their girlfriend/dominatrix.

Girl: He's a My Little Ducky.
Girl's Friend: You're such a lucky girl.

by Anya Lily May 23, 2010

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got a little sideways

A term used to describe a mildly modded 13-14 second mustang coming out of the hole or around a corner, made famous by softcore.

cory: yea man I got a little sideways on that launch.
alex: REALLY?
greg: DAMN
art: thats a fast mustang
cory: it gets a little sideways

by alexander smith October 24, 2007

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