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Retard shit

A crude term used to describe a piece of media or behaviour characterized by senselessness, nihilism and overall lack of substance.

-Did you see the latest MrBeast video?
-No that's retard shit.

by Wotanski January 20, 2024

Retarded banana in a box

Why the fuck would you look this up

Like seriously, you are a retarded banana in a box.

by Poopyman64 May 8, 2023

Retard Wrangling Bozo

Someone that doesn’t realize they a wranglin people.

Glitch is a retard wrangling bozo.

by jazzwolf May 16, 2022

Retard Wrangling Bozo

Someone that doesn’t realize that they are a retard wrangler, and is completely oblivious to that fact, or accepts and ignores it.

That guy said he wants his team wants to be top fifty, but he’s just a retard wrangling bozo.

by jazzwolf May 16, 2022


the art/act of being retarded

Shit, thats some retardity right there!

by Bomb.!, September 23, 2022

stupid retard kys

when your mad and dont have any more comebacks to say

Person 1: stupid retard kys
Person 2: ꧅𒈙𒐫﷽꧅𒐫𒈙⸻𒐫﷽ဪဪ𒈙𒐫꧅ဪ𒈙﷽﷽﷽𒐫꧅ဪ𒐫𒈙͝𒈙﷽꧅

by retarded black monkey October 10, 2023

Retard Variety

The term retard variety is used when a bruh momentum occurs in someone's brain. It results in them having a sped mentality for a short amount of time.

I see you are of the Retard Variety!

Why did you grief my server? You are of the Retard Variety!

by Kumotta. March 31, 2020