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Sloppy Gangnam Style

When you Gangnam Style on that thang

Last night my mans gave me some sloppy Gangnam style

by Bhorf December 15, 2024

Could it be Rukato?(run away locomon Alexander's style)

Ok Look After The After The Video I Doining From Fanfiction.Net Ok Just Wait

Rukato:(Ruki And Takato)

Rikato:(Rika And Takato)

Could it be Rukato?(run away locomon Alexander's style)

by cALDER33 September 29, 2013

Bust(ing) it down sexual style

To cook (do good) in a given situation.

“My nigga Terry be bust(ing) it down sexual style, he absolutely killed that show!”
“Dad: Son, how’d you do in your exam?

Son: I am absolutely bust(ing) it down sexual style, I got a perfect score!”

by RMG_OFC May 7, 2024

1👍 1👎

Barney Style

The act of spelling out the alphabet with your tongue while performing fellatio.

"Bro, I went down on this chick Barney Style and she came like a waterfall!"
"I tried to give it to her barney style, but my tongue got too tired halfway through."

by Air420 January 9, 2021

anteater style

Tongue fucking in a very rapid manner in a completely straight motion while rolling your tongue.

Bob: Bruce tongue-fucked the shit out of Janice last night.

Tom: You mean they did it anteater style?

by Unposp December 4, 2016

Ella style


I wanna do ella style!!

by 53748248#Ellastyle November 15, 2023

Do it mary Boylen style

To be with the same person as your sibling/have an affair


by Cheese2pointo May 27, 2020