tom holland is a super hot British guy he is married to flora Macdonald he has a super cute dog and has been in many very amazing movies most known for spiderman did i mention he's with flora Macdonald
tom holland is very talented and very good look as in HOT AF
Thomas Stanley Holland also known as Tom Holland is a sexy british actor.
Most known for his FLAWLESS act for Spider-Man in the MCU. He also has starred in other films like The Impossible, In The Heart Of The Sea, The Devil All The Time and Uncharted for example. He promouns the word Croissant as ”Quackson”
Tom Holland deserves the world but the world doesn’t deserve him. He owns a non-profit charity with his family called The Brothers Trust, that helps to shine light on smaller charities.
Tom’s fans are called Hollanders and Quacksons.
sibling: Harry Holland, Sam Holland, Paddy Holland
pet(s): Tessa
parents: Dominic Holland, Nicole Frost
”Omg I love Tom Holland, he is so hot!”
”Did you see Tom Holland’s new film?”
”Tom Holland is so hot, sexy, charming, kind, sweet and HOT!”
An famous person that everyone thinks he’s so attractive but his face looks like a babys face
“ hey Tom holland is hot “
“ no he looks like a baby”
He’s so attractive and hot and has great hair and he’s so cute and so sweet and you should definetly love him
Tom Holland is my favorite actor
the hottest man in the world. it’s a fact. the reason everyone has high standards because he’s caring, funny, adorable, and loving. currently the most recent spider-man in the MCU (marvel cinematic universe). he is also an actor and i must add an amazing one.
tom holland can rail me.
you want to know who’s an amazing actor? tom holland.
“The kid’s a problem.” - Anthony Mackie, about Tom Holland
An absolute sex bomb that is perfect in every way imaginable. Also the tiniest smol bean to ever walk this planet. Still cute tho. Lives with a Pitt bull that goes by the name Tessa who is the single most precious thing ever. Likes quacksons. Dances to “Umbrealla” by Rihanna in the shower while wearing a wig.
Also he’s Spider-Man “so shut your face”
Example: Tom Holland = perfection