A low key term for my deceased homeboy Gregory Steven Charles Tafoya tha Third AKA Mr. Marvel of PFR (Phunky Foot Rhythm) B-Boy crew out of Albuquerque, New Mexico (Wells Park/Barelas) taken from the movie "Juice" where Q and his little brother are having a conversation about Bishop...
Quite posting your whereabouts in social media letting everyone know where the hell your at Mr. Cool Guy....
Its mean (se david michigan).To jerk off
Do you stumble your guys at night
A guy who likes to fuck in the ass
Look it's the plop plop guy who likes ass
A guy in a gym that likes to "towel off" while engaging others in conversation, often completely exposing himself in the process. Usually has a moustache...
I saw this guy in the gym, "towel off guy", he had just gotten out of the shower and he put a foot on the bench and kept trying to talk to me while "toweling off". He would take his towel and rub his johnson to get it dry, while he looked me in the eye.
a small location where guitar guys congregate.
outside the entryway to Illinois Central College is a total guitar guy alley
The last words of some rednecks.
Hey guys, watch this!
Dammit Bill, are you really at it again?!
A feckless, worthless useless human being. A paper tiger. (vulgar) A pussy.
That guy who comments on everything with a decidedly hateful point of view is a real Internet Tough Guy.