A can in witch you stick you erected penis inside of
Aye man would you like to stick you penis in my pop-top
Your top ranks is both a close friend who is also a gangster, known influential gangster. The green-light guy, for sticky situations. A top ranks, has to be high ranked in the street and high ranks in your brejinship
Person 1: We went into the town, the whole town knows him. He told me anyone, anytime, anywhere.
Person 2: Weh u a say, ah ya top ranks?
When you have a bruh moment or if it is cringe
Imagine getting your ass kicked
Bruh top 10 moment
The method of only looking good on the top half of your body. It became popular during the video conferences people would have to do during the 2020 quarantine.
Stan: Did you see Dan yesterday?
Dave: Yeah, he was so top halfing.
“we top hats we the mastas” is a meaning of fancy furries, specifically people wearing tophats, being the masters of a group or civilazation.
Kid: Who are you?
Rich furry: we top hats, we the mastas