When you sock someone while they aren’t looking
Did you see Ben get soccer punched earlier?
Opening the clit and beating the hell out of it.
Pull.....BAM BAM BAM
See dick punch.
The act of conducting a dick punch through the use of a contractor, agent or third-party proxy to conduct the dick punch upon a predefined person at the dick punch requesting parties demand or fee for service engagement. The need for a person to receive a dick punch may occur, despite the fact that the dick punchee may be physically located at a considerable distance from the dick punchee. A long distance dick punch can be achieved through the use of a dick punching service provider.
Blaine's video chat response about equal pay was so outlandish that he deserved a dick punch, but unfortunately he lives in Florida and I live in Connecticut... so I payed Doug, a neighbor of Blaine, to act on my behalf and give Blaine a long distance dick punch on my behalf.
A heinous and vile concoction created by throwing glass bottles of any and all kinds of alcohol into a bathtub until it’s about half full. You then scoop it out with a bucket and hope you don’t get any glass in your serving of SwampPunch.
Hey man we’re going to Tanners to make Swamp Punch bring all of you booze!
V. To repudiate an ideological position with data-based fact. argumentation debate data fact punch proof
He asserted that the economy was getting worse, but I fact-punched him with this year's reduced unemployment rates and increased GDP. argumentation debate data fact punch proof