Deflecting the no no no u insult
Guy 1: You’re gay
Guy 2: no u
Guy 1: no no u
Guy 2: no no no u
Guy 1: no no no no u
A fetishisation of aliens and other non-earthly beings. Can be for any appendages or features of the creature. More often than not, it is for the general incomprehensible and indescribable nature of the alien. These feelings cause arousement for those who have this fetish.
That guy is a bit of a freak, he told me he likes q u v e r t
A fetishisation of aliens and another non-earthly beings. Can be for any appendages or features of the creature, more often than not, it is for the general incomprehensibe and indescribable nature of the alien. These feelings cause arousement for those that have this fetish.
That guy is a bit of a freak, he told me he likes q u v e r t
A fetishisation of aliens and another non-earthly beings. Can be for any appendages or features of the creature, more often than not, it is for the general incomprehensibe and indescribable nature of the alien. These feelings cause arousement for those that have this fetish.
That guy is a bit of a freak, he told me he likes q u v e r t
J. U. S. T. M. O. N. I. K. A. D, that's what stuff monikas into
U-12 is when all your friends are teenagers but your stuck on the little kid side.