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Catastrophic vagina

When the vagina squirts and the woman doesn’t wash her vagina and has crispy blood and a white milky kind of crust.

Stephan: pull your trousers down

Angela: okay (pulls them down)

Stephan: fuck that you have a catastrophic vagina

Angela: oh shit I have I’m sorry

Angela got raped that night and never got found or seen ever again

by Human cockend £78 April 1, 2018

Vagina Chips

A phrase commonly used among high school students to express a man’s desire for eating pussy or other sexual acts. Sugar babies use this term to describe how addictive their genitalia is to their customers. The slang could be shortened to ‘Chips’ or ‘VC’.

Boy: “I’m in the mood for some Vagina Chips but my girl is abstaining from sex until marriage!”
Friend: “Just go onto a hookup app and look for some VC there, dumbass!”

by Whereismyweave January 14, 2020

Chocolate Vagina

A black woman’s vagina.

I want me some chocolate vagina

by 13-2-23-1 August 29, 2022

Reversed Vagina

The opposite of a vagina. (It's a dick) (it's a "The Office" refference)

I think I have a reversed vagina.

by Jimmy Halpret February 7, 2019

vagina bash

The act of smash, crash, and bash that ass. Vagina Bash

Dude, I totally vagina bashed my bae last night.

by Wolfieeee January 25, 2016

Creamy vagina day

A day to celebrate your vagina. Many people can gather around and show their creamy pies to each other.

"creamy vagina day has to be a favourite holiday of mine."

by Ballsinmymouth287474 March 13, 2023

Admiral Duck Vagina

A name for a human being that is toxic to the point of being unbearable.

Here comes Admiral Duck Vagina to ruin our Minecraft session.

by TheNewLegion September 19, 2021