A nickname for a cigarette. First used in 1888 to describe a partially burned cigarette, it worked under the 1400s' definition of the word, meaning a loose piece or a remainant of cloth. The definition expanded to include whole cheap cigarettes, and has expanded to any cigarette.
"Say, pal, one of my best men got rubbed out to-day, could I bum a fag?"
a man that is acting gay with his friends but is a srtate man
hey you stop being such a fag in public - F U CK you stop being a homophobic b I ch
A man (Luke Hemmings) who sings Into you by Ariana Grande
Omg look at that fag -person A
How do you know he’s a fag? -person B
He’s singing Into you by Ariana Grande - person A
1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders
2. A person who owns or frequently drives a Harley
"So what if a guy is gay and rides a Harley?"
"Then he's a gay fag, I mean is this really this hard?"
The word fag is not used to describe somebody who is homosexual. It is used to describe somebody who is a douche or a prick and is very unlikeable. They are usually very full of themselves and do not realize it. It could also be used for somebody who is being annoying or when somebody is doing something annoying.
Dude Jake keeps seshing with me and he will never blaze me up he is being such a fag
Fag (fǎg) n. 1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person, most commonly associated with Harley riders. 2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.
Judge 1: “We are really trying to understand this. How is it that you boys think referring to gay people as ‘fags’ in today's world is acceptable?”
Kyle: exasperated “Because we're not referring to gay people! You can be gay and not be a fag.”
Stan: “Yeah, a lot of fags aren't gay.”
Judge 2: “I happen to be gay, boys. Do you think I'm a ‘fag’?”
Stan: “Do you ride a big, loud Harley and go up and down the streets, ruining everyone's nice time?”
Judge 2: “No.”
Stan: “Then you're not a fag.”