Source Code

round bout

adv : (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; approximately

MAN-MAN: What time you got home from the club?
CLAVON: Round bout 3 som'm!

by deez1991 June 17, 2004

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Round Lake

1) Where white kids are the minority and all the druggies come to play

2) Kristoffs and Lake Bowl and the Paradigm Cafe.

3) a Bunch or pussy ass poser bitchs who talk mad shit but dont do anything back

4) Gangs love to tag shit up here.

5) where all the stoners like Sandy Kinsey, Shane Kathem and Kyle Kenna live and make the town look worse then it is

6) where the only kid true to them selves keep to them selves

White kid 1: hey lets go to the movies
White kid 2: lets not theres alot of hood kids there.. >.>
wk1: wanna go to kristoffs
wk2: yea dude. aslong as those bitch ass pot heads arent there.

girl: damn theres nothing to do in Round Lake
guy: lets go to grayslake to the oasis
girl: yea i heard ttc is playing tonight :D

by ftsk girl June 8, 2009

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round robin

More well known as Double penetration (DP) Round Robin is a sexual act of simultaneous penetration of both anus and vagina. It is also sometimes called a sandwich.

We had a round robin last night.

by matty boy who likes teh pie March 22, 2006

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Jew Rounding

Rounding an amount down to the nearest unit. Most commonly used for a monetary amount owed.

Adam owed me $22.15. I was surprised when he only gave me $20 until he reminded me that he used jew rounding.

by jogro123 November 13, 2012

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round gun

A revolver.

I just put six shots into one hole at twenty five meters with my round gun.

by Anthony December 10, 2009

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bonus round

1 - Expression of happiness, approval, satisfaction. Like finding the bonus round Minus World in Super Mario Bros.

2 - An addition to an already great thing.

See bonus.
See ziing.
See w00t.

1 - A: Dude! I found the minus world in Super Mario Bros!

2 - Alright! Got my Iron Maiden tickets! But a nice batch of backstage passes would be total bonus round!

by Kuzin Rob June 18, 2003

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Bonus Round

When you are having sex and are near the end, you or your partner stop suddenly and run to the light switch, flicking it on and off while yelling "Bonus Round!"
The you go back and have sex harder than before.

Yeah, I heard them last night, he gave her a Bonus Round

by Plastic_Ducky September 9, 2011

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